Saturday, March 31, 2007

We have gone LIVE Ladies!!!!

Well, we did it, we finally went live with our webstore We still have some work to do and we are trying to spread the word!!! New items will be coming in weekly so there will be new additions all of the time.

Come and check us out us!!!!!!!!

Maura & Dawn

Friday, March 23, 2007

Anna-Kate Owners

I'm am still trying to figure out this blogging... well, I did figure out how to load a picture of us. We are the owners of Anna-Kate, Girly Couture and Unique Treats (Dawn and Maura). This picture was take a few weeks ago when we went to New York to attend the ENK Children's Club Tradeshow. We were on location at the Today show -- hoping to get a glimpse of MATT LAUER -- didn't happen ladies, but Maura (on the right, did get on TV!!) very exciting. This was our first tradeshow as a buyer and we had a blast! It was such a wonderful experience to meet the designers and the reps who were have formed "email" relationships with; learn the retail lingo -- "what's your minimum" :-) Please bare with us, as we learn this new wonderful world of blogging.

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Just In - Kumquat clothin for little girls

Look what just came in today for your little darlings! Beautiful, soft clothing from Kumquat. Spring is definitely in the air - at least here in Maryland. I can't wait to get these up on our site ( and launch! I'm going to work on loading the pictures onto the website tonight! I think a beautiful pearl and swarovski pink or green name bracelet would look so cute with this.

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Mom blogging for the first time!

Ok! I am a little nervous, feel like the whole world is watching - when really, I'm sure, no one cares. I am a stay at home mom who is "trying to make it" in more ways than one. I have three children ages 9, 6 and 17 months and have recently ventured into a partnership with a long time friend. We are in the process of setting up a children's web store called Very exciting but new, just like this blog!

My thought on this blog?? To "dish" about my daily life and my web partners daily life as we start up our business and raise our families and do the dishes, clean the house, do homework, change diapers, make dinner, have a drink, call the plumber, electrician and make them understand that I mean BUSINESS! I would also like to take a shower today or go for a walk and hear the birds sing - may not happen today.

I did spend some "quality time" (as my son likes to say) with my youngest daughter today. We were outside walking up and down the side walk sniffing flowers and playing with the local kitty cat that wandered by. All I kept thinking about was all of the crap I had to do inside but I did enjoy the moment!

The moment is gone, I put my 17 month old down for a nap at 11:30 because she was falling asleep on the floor and now she is awake! Basically, what this means, is that my blogging time is over but I do feel a little better and I have just completed my first blog. It wasn't so bad. Let's see what time I get back on and what I do in that time........................

Maybe my partner who is a working mom and I mean "working" will actually join in this blog??